Donna from Bowen Yoga Room hosts The Ambient Hour – music to heal, music to relax with, music to help you unwind from the outside world.


The Ambient Hour is GEM-FM’s newest program – you’ll hear it each Sunday evening from 8 – 9PM.
Ambient music tends to be instrumental, it can verge toward the almost classical, but Donna will be bending the genre to include vocal music, movie sound tracks, electronic and acoustic musics. Music composed to create a space of stillness, so you can be yourself. As Oscar Wilde famously said “Be Yourself, everyone else is taken.”
Donna has a background in radio. She was a broadcaster for 25 years in both community radio – 2SER-FM and across different networks of ABC radio.
Her day job is teaching BreathWork Monday evenings in Bowen –the Breath Work sessions are sponsored by the Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network.
As well, she teaches Hatha Yoga and Meditation, you’ll find those details on her Bowen Yoga Room Fbook page.
The Ambient Hour with Donna – take a moment to pause – each Sunday evening from 8 to 9PM.

listen to the latest episodes

The Ambient Hour 8/12/24

The Ambient Hour 24/11/24

The Ambient Hour 17/11/24

The Ambient Hour 10/11/24
